


Monday, February 13, 2012

Just a Geek - Unflinchingly honest tales of the search for life, love, and fulfilment beyond the Starship Enterprise (Wil Wheaton)

Just a Geek - Unflinchingly honest tales of the search for life, love, and fulfilment beyond the Starship Enterprise
Wil Wheaton

Blurb: Just a Geek is the story of how Wil Wheaton faced down his constant companion, the ghost he calls 'Prove to Everyone That Quitting Star Trek Wasn't A Mistake.' The key to banishing that ghost turned out to be the blog that he launched in 2001 at On his blog, Wil shared - with stunning and fearless honesty - his real life: the struggles of being a working-class actor, the joys of being married and raising two stepchildren, and the experience of growing up on the Starship Enterprise.

Just a Geek fleshes out the stories that started on the blog. Join Wil as he auditions for new shows, relives his past at Star Trek conventions, or just hangs out in his living room. Both funny and poignant, the book chronicles Wil's journey to rediscover himself and come to terms with what it means to be famous, or, ironically, famous for having previously been famous.

ISBN: 9780596806316 (Paperback)
Year: 2004
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pages: 269 (Non-Fiction)


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