


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Grinning with the Gipper: A Celebration of the Wit, Wisdom, and Wisecracks of Ronald Reagan

Grinning with the Gipper: A Celebration of the Wit, Wisdom, and Wisecracks of Ronald Reagan
Edited by James S. Denton with Peter Schweizer

Blurb: After eight years as President, the one thing on which both his friends and enemies concur is that Ronald Reagan has a sense of humor. It's not just that he's funny. We've had plenty of funny Presidents lately. Some looked funny. Most acted funny. And there was definitely something funny going on with one or two of them. But President Reagan has a sense of humor as that phrase should be defined. Ronald Reagan not only gets laughs through his quips, jokes and stories, he also communicates a sense of proportion, a sense of how life is and always will be. Grinning with the Gipper celebrates the most beguiling talent of one of our most popular Presidents.

Selections from The Wit, Wisdom and Wisecracks of Ronald Reagan:
- 'I've been taking some flak about ordering the production of the B-1. How did I know it was an airplane? I thought it was vitamins for the troops'
- 'Have you heard the Communists now have a million-dollar lottery for their people? The winner gets a dollar a year for a million years.'
- 'I have to admit we considered making one final shipment to Iran, but no one could figure out how to get Sam Donaldson in a crate.'
- 'Now, you know, I have to say, of course, there are some things that are current today and sweeping the country that I haven't had time to get familiar with - Pac Man, for example. I don't know about him. I asked about it, and somebody told me that it was a round thing that gobbled up money. I thought that was Tip O'Neil.'

ISBN: 0871132729 (Paperback)
Year: 1988
Publisher: The Atlantic Monthly Press
Pages: 117 (Non-Fiction)


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