


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mockingjay - The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)

Mockingjay - The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins

Blurb: The Hunger Games 'If We Burn You Burn With Us'

Katniss Everdeen's final battle has begun.

Part three of the astonishing Hunger Games Trilogy.

ISBN: 9781407109374 (Paperback)
Year: 2010
Publisher: Scholastic
Pages: 453 (Fiction)



  1. Hello,
    I love the Hunger Games trilogy!

  2. We are all humans, and entitled to our own opinions. I honestly was quite dissatisfied with this book. The storyline was fantastic I loved where it was going, but somewhere along the twentieth chapter I only kept reading because I never start something without finishing it. No matter how painful. I honestly was hoping for a turn around but the last page highly let me down. This book has potential as a series but the charachters were painted as one written by a child who's never experienced much in life. I understand where the arthur was trying to go but she lost me with how passionatly involved one charachter was then how uninvolved the other was. I think this book is like a rollercoaster with a broken railing. You know you are supposed to fall but it just never happens.
