


Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Horse and His Boy - The Chronicles of Narnia #3 (C.S. Lewis)

The Horse and His Boy - The Chronicles of Narnia #3
C.S. Lewis

Blurb: After Shasta learns from the mysterious stranger that he is not Arsheesh's son, he decides to escape from the cruel land of Calormen, and with the help and persuasion of the talking horse, Bree, he goes north towards Narnia where the air is sweet and freedom reigns. As they set out on their journey across the harsh desert, Shasta tries to glimpse what is ahead. It all looks so endless, wild, lonely...and free. 

ISBN: 0006740359 (Paperback)
Year: 1954
Publisher: Lions
Pages: 175 (Fiction)


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